Episode 11 – The money episode

Contents of Richard’s grandfather’s wallet when he died included a few dollar bills and a bank deposit slip
The contents of Richard’s grandfather’s wallet when he died included a few five and one dollar bills and a deposit slip for The Manhattan Savings Bank.

Money, money, money – Margaret and her sisters unpack the family dynamic around money, starting with the Hotel Eden luxury suite incident in Rome, 1968.

Money’s an emotional trigger for Richard and it rubbed off on his kids. His Angst about money was established early—in his working class roots, the fragility of his family during the Depression, and his own struggles to earn enough money to pay for college.

Richard’s idea about what it means to “live within one’s means” is challenged when he marries into an upper middle-class family. Eunice and the kids adapt to Richard’s insistence on the importance of financial independence.

In time, Eunice takes over as the primary source of household income and Richard can begin to relax, but not until he gets all five of his kids through college, without taking on any debt.

Photof Margaret, Johanna, and Kerry Poethig in Rome, Italy, 1968
Margaret, Johanna, and Kerry Poethig in Rome, Italy, 1968


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